Do you like to drive and be be arround other people?
Then we have the part-time job for you
Os Taxi is growing, and we need more taxi drivers for evening and weekend driving.
Are you over 20 years old, speak fluent norwegian, looking for an extra income and curious about whether working as a taxi driver is for you?
To drive a taxi, you must have a taxi license, but we will help you with obtaining this.
If you are wondering about anything, get in touch
Tor Anders Hauge T: 970 46 156
Or visit us for a cup of coffee and a chat. We agree on the way forward.
"I control myself how much I want to drive. Nice for me as a student."
It's a flexible job, which gives me good pocket money in addition to the student loan. The pay is incredibly good for a part-time job, and I can control myself how much I want to drive. It's great for me as a student, says Andreas. Andreas boasts of the good working environment in Os Taxi, and has become friends with several of the other drivers also privately. The working environment here is very positive.
AndreasFlaterås Roald (22)

"At Os Taxi, you can be sure that they will take care of you."
- It's a fun job! Joachim is an outgoing person and likes to meet people.
- It's nice to be outgoing in this job, but not a prerequisite, says Joachim. He recommends everyone to consider a job as a taxi driver. Whether alongside your studies, or if you are retired or laid off from your regular job, you can drive a Taxi. At Os Taxi, they have a nice and inclusive working environment that he can highly recommend.
JoachimB. Gudvangen (21)

"Most people will be pleasantly surprised at how fun it can be to drive a taxi.
In total, Os Taxi has 16 cars and three minibuses distributed among around 50 drivers. Most are men, but there are also quite a few ladies among the drivers. One of these is Bente Drægni. She has driven a taxi for many years, and loves the handsome job. - It is very positive to work here although it is a male-dominated industry. There is a lot of help to be had, she laughs.
BenteDrægni (xx)